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That art is somehow moral is a tenuous idea. And yet, students of art need to discover this while holding the deepest fidelity to art’s ability to critically shape what’s at stake in our shared lives and in our shared world.
Marc Handelman is a visual artist who works in painting, installation, artists’ books and other media. His work explores the politics of landscape and nature within modernity and 19th century American painting as they are reconfigured in contemporary life including the omnipresence of nature within ideological formation, and how these and other naturalisms obfuscate, aestheticize, and legitimize forms of structural violence and oppression. Handelman has exhibited throughout the U.S. and internationally including PS1 MoMA; The Studio Museum in Harlem, The Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, The Orlando Museum, The Rubin Museum, The Royal Academy of Art, The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, The Portland Museum of Contemporary Art and The Stotrefront for Art & Architecture.